...since my last post. With the advent of a more interactive facebook group amongst my gaming group buddies, we tend to write our battle reports and our fluff there, rather than here.
Patience is a virtue that is valued, but seldom utilized. As the years roll by, I find that I start to understand some things more. Playing with a new gaming system in Malifaux, I learnt several things. In the beginning, I like to hit fast and hit hard, but I also get slaughtered easily. Then came the day I decided to play more patiently, to let a game drag into more turns. No memorable charges within the first 4 turns? No problem. The crux of the battle may begin late, but when it does, it's a deciding moment.
This new, patient style comes with better results. I registered my first win against High Elves in soooo many long years, under the 8th Ed gaming system. Luck has a lot to do with my wins, no doubt, also my opponent decided not to eschew all the cheese in the book too. No multiple Life mages hiding in elite bunkers of twin Phoenix Guard and White Lion hordes. No Book of Cheese. His army is still dangerous in a Pitch Battle, I still have no clear answer against the White Lion horde. But the different scenario and winning conditions in 8th Ed means that sometimes, I don't need an answer for the White Lions. Both battles that I won were Blood and Glory, where killing that big chunk of elites doesn't matter. Patience, waiting for that crucial moment to strike, is the key.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Sunday, October 9, 2011
New Funky List
YC directed me to a discussion on 8th Ed Dark Elves in the Warseer forums.
Although not every post is gold, there does exists gem-ly food for thoughts every few pages.
As such, I have derived a new Funky List from some of the things that they have posted.
It is impossible to really get a good grasp on an army based on what the internetz says. For every Slann player who comes on to say that Slann is soooo weak he lost every single battle to the Dark Elf player who claims that he wins 99% of his battles (with core blocks of horde spearelves?) or the players who swears that their repeatercrossbows slaughters every single thing that laid in their paths. Apparently, the memo didn't reach my gaming friends to fail all their armour saves, ward saves, to hit rolls, to wound rolls and to misfire whenever their stone throwers are in range.
But I am happy with this new list that I have made. It did lose the first battle against 8th Ed Ogre Kingdoms (battle report to come soon) but I can really see the potential of the army. The Funky List will be tweaked a little as I change things here and there, but the main core/point of the army will remain as it is. So without further ado...
Dreadlord on Dark Steed with Great Weapon, Armour of Darkness, Pendant of Khaeleth and Crown of Command. General, 259 pts.
This is my Stubborn lord on Dark Steed who can literally lock down a whole Ogre bus as he proved in the previous Battle Report. He is susceptible to Death Lore, but that's a risk any character need to take.
Lvl 4 Supreme Sorceress, Shadow Lore, Tome of Furion, Talisman of Preservation (the 4+ ward save). 310 pts.
This is my main spellcaster character. I'm thinking of fleshing her out a little with some more Enchanted items or a different Arcane item. Tome of Furion may be a little wasted on her I think but I wanted her to get all the Shadow spells I need.
Master BSB with Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield with Standard of Hag Graef. 150 pts.
My BSB that confers ASF on the unit he is with. He provides re-rolls on Leadership and rolls to hit on any non-fast armies.With a base Initiative of I5 for most of my army, I get free hatred on most opponents.
Lvl 2 Sorceress, Shadow Lore, Dispel Scroll. 160 pts.
My back-up Sorceress who is in the army for only 2 single purposes. Firstly, she is a Dispel Scroll caddie. Secondly, she is to bail out my Lvl 4 spellcaster with Shadow Lore.
Death Hag with Cauldron of Blood 200 pts
My CoB that gives 1 unit a 5+ ward save or +1 attack. It's very useful.
35 Corsairs, Full Command with Sea Serpent Standard 400pts.
The main core of my army. A horde formation of frenzied Corsairs. They are immune to psychology, have the BSB inside for ASF. The front rank itself will dish out 31 attacks. With a good Shadow lore and Occam's Mindrazor getting off, they can probably chew through many many things easily. However, it does need a good magic phase to go off and unleash their true potential. With a back rank, it can easily hit 51 attacks. Even if I lost 15 Corsairs marching towards the enemy, I can still hit their infantry blocks with 31 attacks from the front ranks alone. With Immune to Psychology, I am also immune to panic tests.
16 Repeater CrossbowElves with Musician 181 pts
15 Repeater CrossbowElves with Musician 170 pts
These 2 units are here to provide a bit of firepower to chase off charge-blockers and speed-bumps like Sabretusks. I plan to use them on the flanks, 1 on each flank of the Corsairs to shoot at those pesky little things. One of them did quite decent in the 2nd battle against the Ogres, killing 2 Maneaters over 3 rounds of shooting.
20 SpearElves 120 pts.
This unit is meant to be the bunker unit for my lvl 2 Sorceress and guarding my rear. Keeping them close at the rear of the Corsairs mean that I can switch the lvl 4 from the Corsair's front rank even if she is in close combat to teleport her safely behind. Anyone will try to aim the lvl 4 when she is with the Corsairs. But if a small unit like a Great Eagle charges in, the Corsairs can dish out enough attacks to finish off that unit with ASF before they hit the Sorceress. Once I am in contact with another big block, then the lvl 2 will teleport the lvl 4 out and die in her place, though people will seldom aim her.
1 Chariot 100 pts
The Chariot that will lend its impact hits as a counter-charging unit to help out the combat. With Swiftstride, it can also help to chase off pesky charge-blockers.
5 WitchElves 50 pts
5 WitchElves 50 pts
These 2 units are meant to screen the horde Corsairs as speed-bumps. At 50 pts each, they are meant to die. Any shooting directed at them is shooting not directed against the Corsairs. With Frenzy, they are also immune to panic and will stand there. If an enemy large unit charges them, they will hold them up for 1 single turn of combat and if possible get some kills in. I5 and 3 attacks each means they can dish out some damage first before dying in glorious tribute to the Blood God.
Hydra 175pts
Hydra 175pts
The mainstay of my counter-charging options. These 2 tremendous threat machines pose a very veritable influence on the opponent. Everyone is scared of them, everyone wants them dead. And opponents will specifically configure Fire options to deny them Regen. They hold their own in combat, are hard to kill, and is a menace all round. They are not on the same threat level as maybe 50 Whitelions, but woe to the opponent who underestimates these ferocious beasts.
I like my new list. It's very combat heavy as the Dark Elves don't have the kind of template weapons that allow armies to sit behind and trade ranged fire. They do suffer a bit from needing to focus so much on close combat, but Repeater Crossbows at Str 3 and Repeater Bolt Throwers are not the kind of ranged options that rule the battlefield.
This list may have fared poorly in its first battle but I have seen its potential at work and I like it.
Although not every post is gold, there does exists gem-ly food for thoughts every few pages.
As such, I have derived a new Funky List from some of the things that they have posted.
It is impossible to really get a good grasp on an army based on what the internetz says. For every Slann player who comes on to say that Slann is soooo weak he lost every single battle to the Dark Elf player who claims that he wins 99% of his battles (with core blocks of horde spearelves?) or the players who swears that their repeatercrossbows slaughters every single thing that laid in their paths. Apparently, the memo didn't reach my gaming friends to fail all their armour saves, ward saves, to hit rolls, to wound rolls and to misfire whenever their stone throwers are in range.
But I am happy with this new list that I have made. It did lose the first battle against 8th Ed Ogre Kingdoms (battle report to come soon) but I can really see the potential of the army. The Funky List will be tweaked a little as I change things here and there, but the main core/point of the army will remain as it is. So without further ado...
Dreadlord on Dark Steed with Great Weapon, Armour of Darkness, Pendant of Khaeleth and Crown of Command. General, 259 pts.
This is my Stubborn lord on Dark Steed who can literally lock down a whole Ogre bus as he proved in the previous Battle Report. He is susceptible to Death Lore, but that's a risk any character need to take.
Lvl 4 Supreme Sorceress, Shadow Lore, Tome of Furion, Talisman of Preservation (the 4+ ward save). 310 pts.
This is my main spellcaster character. I'm thinking of fleshing her out a little with some more Enchanted items or a different Arcane item. Tome of Furion may be a little wasted on her I think but I wanted her to get all the Shadow spells I need.
Master BSB with Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield with Standard of Hag Graef. 150 pts.
My BSB that confers ASF on the unit he is with. He provides re-rolls on Leadership and rolls to hit on any non-fast armies.With a base Initiative of I5 for most of my army, I get free hatred on most opponents.
Lvl 2 Sorceress, Shadow Lore, Dispel Scroll. 160 pts.
My back-up Sorceress who is in the army for only 2 single purposes. Firstly, she is a Dispel Scroll caddie. Secondly, she is to bail out my Lvl 4 spellcaster with Shadow Lore.
Death Hag with Cauldron of Blood 200 pts
My CoB that gives 1 unit a 5+ ward save or +1 attack. It's very useful.
35 Corsairs, Full Command with Sea Serpent Standard 400pts.
The main core of my army. A horde formation of frenzied Corsairs. They are immune to psychology, have the BSB inside for ASF. The front rank itself will dish out 31 attacks. With a good Shadow lore and Occam's Mindrazor getting off, they can probably chew through many many things easily. However, it does need a good magic phase to go off and unleash their true potential. With a back rank, it can easily hit 51 attacks. Even if I lost 15 Corsairs marching towards the enemy, I can still hit their infantry blocks with 31 attacks from the front ranks alone. With Immune to Psychology, I am also immune to panic tests.
16 Repeater CrossbowElves with Musician 181 pts
15 Repeater CrossbowElves with Musician 170 pts
These 2 units are here to provide a bit of firepower to chase off charge-blockers and speed-bumps like Sabretusks. I plan to use them on the flanks, 1 on each flank of the Corsairs to shoot at those pesky little things. One of them did quite decent in the 2nd battle against the Ogres, killing 2 Maneaters over 3 rounds of shooting.
20 SpearElves 120 pts.
This unit is meant to be the bunker unit for my lvl 2 Sorceress and guarding my rear. Keeping them close at the rear of the Corsairs mean that I can switch the lvl 4 from the Corsair's front rank even if she is in close combat to teleport her safely behind. Anyone will try to aim the lvl 4 when she is with the Corsairs. But if a small unit like a Great Eagle charges in, the Corsairs can dish out enough attacks to finish off that unit with ASF before they hit the Sorceress. Once I am in contact with another big block, then the lvl 2 will teleport the lvl 4 out and die in her place, though people will seldom aim her.
1 Chariot 100 pts
The Chariot that will lend its impact hits as a counter-charging unit to help out the combat. With Swiftstride, it can also help to chase off pesky charge-blockers.
5 WitchElves 50 pts
5 WitchElves 50 pts
These 2 units are meant to screen the horde Corsairs as speed-bumps. At 50 pts each, they are meant to die. Any shooting directed at them is shooting not directed against the Corsairs. With Frenzy, they are also immune to panic and will stand there. If an enemy large unit charges them, they will hold them up for 1 single turn of combat and if possible get some kills in. I5 and 3 attacks each means they can dish out some damage first before dying in glorious tribute to the Blood God.
Hydra 175pts
Hydra 175pts
The mainstay of my counter-charging options. These 2 tremendous threat machines pose a very veritable influence on the opponent. Everyone is scared of them, everyone wants them dead. And opponents will specifically configure Fire options to deny them Regen. They hold their own in combat, are hard to kill, and is a menace all round. They are not on the same threat level as maybe 50 Whitelions, but woe to the opponent who underestimates these ferocious beasts.
I like my new list. It's very combat heavy as the Dark Elves don't have the kind of template weapons that allow armies to sit behind and trade ranged fire. They do suffer a bit from needing to focus so much on close combat, but Repeater Crossbows at Str 3 and Repeater Bolt Throwers are not the kind of ranged options that rule the battlefield.
This list may have fared poorly in its first battle but I have seen its potential at work and I like it.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I like to experiment with Funky lists.
Lists that make no sense at all. All in the name of testing out various things/units/combos etc.
A lot of people netlists or draw on what others have to say in forums.
But I prefer to use the units in actual battles a few times to see how they perform under pressure from my regular opponents and how they perform under my rolling. Actually, I am so used to losing with my Dark Elves that I don't mind losing more battles.
People keep saying that Dark Elves is such a powerful army etc etc. I've won my share of battles under 7th Ed, and lost my share of battles under 7th Ed also. But Dark Elves wasn't the kind of army that can powerthrough opponents just by being there. My 7th Ed DE Cold One Knights Death Star list was fierce though not unbeatable.
I liked to play my O&G army too in the past , though I never play to win, mostly fielding a Goblin army. They provided a lot of laughs, both by blowing up spectacularly or bringing down a Dragon on the charge.
I struggle eternally against the BeardyOne's Dwarves. His Ogre Kingdoms surprised me, but I think I managed better against him after the initial surprise. I struggle against High Elves, having two good High Elf players in my group. I tend to have better luck against YC, but he tends to play funky armies like Skaven or Wood Elves. Battles against his Vampires tend to go 50/50. His dice-rolling is also legendary (poor).
I remember going up against SilverHelm lists, having to dodge Comet of Cassandras, and getting my 30-elf Executioners chewed up by a Gyrocopter (7th Ed). I remember a battle against Defu where he brought 8 chariots which out-ranged mine, and I got chewed up by his impact hits.
I have never broken the BeardyOne's dwarven infantry blocks, though I did once manage to eat all his warmachines and ranged infantry. I have never beaten Slann or High Elf or Dwarf, though I have drawn against the rest.
Tomorrow, I am going up against Tomb Kings and probably Ogres again with a new funky list.
Lists that make no sense at all. All in the name of testing out various things/units/combos etc.
A lot of people netlists or draw on what others have to say in forums.
But I prefer to use the units in actual battles a few times to see how they perform under pressure from my regular opponents and how they perform under my rolling. Actually, I am so used to losing with my Dark Elves that I don't mind losing more battles.
People keep saying that Dark Elves is such a powerful army etc etc. I've won my share of battles under 7th Ed, and lost my share of battles under 7th Ed also. But Dark Elves wasn't the kind of army that can powerthrough opponents just by being there. My 7th Ed DE Cold One Knights Death Star list was fierce though not unbeatable.
I liked to play my O&G army too in the past , though I never play to win, mostly fielding a Goblin army. They provided a lot of laughs, both by blowing up spectacularly or bringing down a Dragon on the charge.
I struggle eternally against the BeardyOne's Dwarves. His Ogre Kingdoms surprised me, but I think I managed better against him after the initial surprise. I struggle against High Elves, having two good High Elf players in my group. I tend to have better luck against YC, but he tends to play funky armies like Skaven or Wood Elves. Battles against his Vampires tend to go 50/50. His dice-rolling is also legendary (poor).
I remember going up against SilverHelm lists, having to dodge Comet of Cassandras, and getting my 30-elf Executioners chewed up by a Gyrocopter (7th Ed). I remember a battle against Defu where he brought 8 chariots which out-ranged mine, and I got chewed up by his impact hits.
I have never broken the BeardyOne's dwarven infantry blocks, though I did once manage to eat all his warmachines and ranged infantry. I have never beaten Slann or High Elf or Dwarf, though I have drawn against the rest.
Tomorrow, I am going up against Tomb Kings and probably Ogres again with a new funky list.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Winter is Coming!
And I just received the Core Set of the Game of Thrones Living Card Game from the Beardy One last night.
Finally, we can sit down to have a nice multi-player game. We were missing enough cards for a decent Baratheon and Targeryen deck before but the Core Set solved that nicely.
Greyjoy and Martell still poses a bit of a challenge though, and mayhaps YC's chapter packs can solve that quandry.
It's been years(?) since I last read books, but I've went through 3 books from the series and is now halfway through the 4th. I like the direction of the storyline, there's twists and turns all around to really provide an epic feel. It's like reading the story of some of the more tumultuous eras in European history where each player in this game of thrones are striving to do their best, some succeeding and some failing.
Even Lord of the Rings failed at that to tell the truth. Mordor was always going to fail. Sauron was always going to be defeated. Gandalf was lost for a time but he was never gone for good. Good will always triumph over evil.
But in the Song of Fire and Ice, things are not that simple. Houses rise, Houses fall. There is no being of pure evil (except one?), each player has a story to tell, failings, honour etc. Some characters are more loveable than others, but everyone has their shades of white, grey and black.
This is not Lord of the Rings.
This is not the Belgariad or The Mallorean.
This is not the Wheel of Time.
This is not the Forgotten Realms.
This is more Romance of Three Kingdoms. And that is based on history with each player having their shades of grey.
This is what makes the story more interesting.
Time to build decks!
Finally, we can sit down to have a nice multi-player game. We were missing enough cards for a decent Baratheon and Targeryen deck before but the Core Set solved that nicely.
Greyjoy and Martell still poses a bit of a challenge though, and mayhaps YC's chapter packs can solve that quandry.
It's been years(?) since I last read books, but I've went through 3 books from the series and is now halfway through the 4th. I like the direction of the storyline, there's twists and turns all around to really provide an epic feel. It's like reading the story of some of the more tumultuous eras in European history where each player in this game of thrones are striving to do their best, some succeeding and some failing.
Even Lord of the Rings failed at that to tell the truth. Mordor was always going to fail. Sauron was always going to be defeated. Gandalf was lost for a time but he was never gone for good. Good will always triumph over evil.
But in the Song of Fire and Ice, things are not that simple. Houses rise, Houses fall. There is no being of pure evil (except one?), each player has a story to tell, failings, honour etc. Some characters are more loveable than others, but everyone has their shades of white, grey and black.
This is not Lord of the Rings.
This is not the Belgariad or The Mallorean.
This is not the Wheel of Time.
This is not the Forgotten Realms.
This is more Romance of Three Kingdoms. And that is based on history with each player having their shades of grey.
This is what makes the story more interesting.
Time to build decks!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
First taste of 8th Ed Ogres!
Been a long time since I posted hehe. There has been many battles since my last report and i enjoyed them all, even though I am frequently on the losing side. I guess I have lost so many times that I don't mind losing at all (1****2th grudge match against the Beardy One's dwarves still had me losing the battle.. Loss rate against Dwarves = 100%)
Over the years though, I have started to eat more and more of Daniel's dwarves in close combat though still not enough. Maybe a new list...
8th Ed has started and a new 8th Ed army book came out just this month. It's the Ogre Kingdoms!
Defu wanted to start an 8th Ed Ogre army and took them out today for a first taste of blood. I fielded my Dark Elves again (with a twist) and we got down for a nice little brawl.
My army has :
1 Dreadlord on Dark Steed with Great Weapon, Armour of Darkness, Pendant of Khaeleth and Crown of Command
1 lvl 4 Supreme Sorceress with Dispel Scroll and Talisman of Preservation (4+ ward)
1 Death Hag BSB with Cauldron of Blood
29 x SpearElves Full Command
29 x Spear Elves Full Command
10 x R.CrossbowElves
5x Dark Riders
15x WitchElves with Hag with Manbane
15x WitchElves with Hag with Manbane
2x Cold One Chariots
5x Cold One Knights
2x Hydras
Defu's Ogres brought (roughly, I'm not sure about the magic items)
Firebelly lvl 2 GW with the Hellheart that cause all mages within range to take a miscast roll
Firebelly lvl 1 Great Weapon with Dispel Scroll
Bruiser BSB
40x Gnoblars with Standard
10x Gnoblars
10x Gnoblars
27x Ogres Not 27, 18x Ogres?
3x Maneaters (Poison? Scout?) with Standard
3x LeadBelchers
4x Mournfang Cavalry
3x Sabretusks
2x Ironblasters
2x Scraplaunchers
We were playing the mission where Standards and General count as fortitude points and we need to break each other. Each of us have 5 fortitude points.
The Deployment is roughly like this :

I had a small cramped center which forced me to deploy the Dark Riders in a single line. The Dreadlord was placed right in the front so that he can try for a first turn charge into the Ogre ranks. I won the roll for first turn so...
DE turn 1 :

As expected, I tried for a first turn charge into the Ogre ranks. Being 18 inch apart and riding a Dark Steed (mv:9), I fortuitously rolled a 9 with Swiftstride (6,3,1) and got my Dreadlord in. The Dreadlord's role for this battle was to use the Dark Elf cheese armour/ward save combo to tarpit the Ogres until the end of battle, while I try to use the rest of my units to wipe his army off the map.
All other units moved up, Sorceress fled to the side to join the RxB while the previous SpearElf unit moved to block the Maneaters. Hydra flamed 3 wounds into the Maneaters and took 1 base. Sorceress failed to get any spell off. Dreadlord called for challenge and killed the Firebelly lvl 1 who bravely answered the challenge. (2D6 Str4 fire-breath-weapon did not get past my 1+ armour save)
Ogre Turn 1 :

Ogres Mournfang Cavalry and Maneater charged into the Hydra in front. The main Ogre bus reformed to get more ranks and the other units moved to charge-block. Magic resulted in a very interesting IF to get Flaming Swords. Ironblasters squashed 1 Cold One Knight and the Cold One Chariot on the right. But the 2nd Ironblaster misfired and blew up.
Hydra handlers killed 1 Maneater, Mournfang ate 6 wounds off Hydra and Hydra bit 3 wounds back (taking another Mournfang base). Overrunning Mournfang slammed into the flank of the SpearElf unit 1. Dreadlord continued to tarpit Ogres with Stubborn.
DE turn 2 :

Right at the start, Defu used Hellheart and my DE Sorceress rolled 11, dropped 2 spell levels, lost Withering and Okkam Mindrazor and ended Magic phase T_T Shooting however, took 2 wounds off another Maneater and killed 1 base.
Hydra and Cold One Knight both charged the Sabretusks that were charge-blockers (and wiped it out). Cold One chariot and Witchelves on the left charged the 10-gnoblar charge blocker, wiped it out and proceeded to overrun into the 40x Gnoblar behind.
Right Witchelves charged the flank of the 10xGnoblars, killed everyone and overran into the Mournfang Cavalry. Dark Riders charged the Mournfang to get a flank charge bonus. Impact hits + Stomp = 6 dead Spearelves while I dealt 4 wounds in return thanks to the Hag with Manbane. I lost combat and the Dark Riders ran. But I reformed my steadfast SpearElves to face the Mournfang.
Ogre Turn 2 :

Ogre Bus continued to be tarpitted but the General, the Firebelly lvl 2, took the challenge and lost 2 wounds while his 2D6 Firebreathing got past my armour save and ward save to take 2 wounds off my Dreadlord. Stubborn!
Scraplauncher and Leadbelchers counter-charged the Witchelves in combat with the 40xGnoblars unit. Impact hits + Witchelves + Cold One Chariot = 17 dead Gnoblars. Impact hits + Gnoblars + Leadbelcher + Scraplauncher = 10 dead Witchelves. 40xGnoblar broke from combat (fail high high!) and threw their banner guy into the arms of the Hag.
Maneater charged the Repeater CrossbowElves and was rewarded with a fleeing unit that failed break test at -2. Both unit and Sorceress was caught.
Mournfang fluffed their attacks and combat was drawn.
DE Fortitude : 5/3 Ogre Fortitude 4/3
DE turn 3 :

(Ignore the Sorceress unit hehe)
SpearElves unit on the left tried to charge into the melee that was brawling in the left flank. Cold One Knights moved to threaten the Ironblaster.
WitchElf Hag (on her own after losing the rest in the previous combat turn) attacked the Leadbelcher and dealt 4 wounds through Manbane, Everyone fluffed all their attacks afterwards except the Hag was also cut down by the 2 Leadbelchers but both Ogre units broke from combat.
The Ogre bus combat was resolved next but the General Firebelly was finally cut down by the Dreadlord and the Ogres Fortitude dropped to 2/3 and a loss was immediately declared.
Nice and bloody business for the day concluded. =D
Comments :
ManEaters and Mournfang Cavalry! They had a bit of trouble since Defu had terrible luck fluffing most of his close combat hits. But they managed to hold their own against 2 units of Elves including a WitchElf unit with Manbane. If the rolls to hit were better, they could have turned that center flank by the next turn and then be free to chew other targets.
The tarpit Dreadlord was an idea suggested to me by Defu, and I can really see where he can work. Against High Elves, Defu will surely try to get Vaul's of Unmaking to break the tarpit combo. But against every other army, he can slowly work his way through the ranks and hold 1 big unit down for all 6 game turns, giving me time to work through the other units and then come to assist the Dreadlord. Power!
Had this mission be pitched battle though, I think I would still be able to take the left flanks while my Cold One Knights go chariot/cannon hunting. I was able to hold off the Mournfang for some time because I have steadfast + bsb rerolls. But given 2 more combat turns, there probably won't be enough Spears left to fight. The ManEater, although 1-Ogre by himself can still do some damage. All depends on how fast I can bring the Hydra on the left back to face him and control the center.
WitchElves. Scary. Easy to kill. On the turn that I killed 10 Gnoblars, I also lost another 10 WitchElves. Without Impact hits from the Chariot, I would not have broken the Gnoblars. Good against other armies where my I6 can come into play but against ASF High Elves, it is just asking for trouble without any armour saves. 10 Gnoblars costs 25 points. 10 Witchelves costs 100 points. I lose out in the end. And my Cauldron of Blood can only give the ward save to 1 single unit a turn and may need to use it for other higher priority unit.
So I think I will drop the Witchelves. Both units. Back to the drawing boards to see what other counter-charging options I have.
What do you guys think?
Friday, November 12, 2010
What is in a name?
When I started out gaming, the first time I have to choose a nick for myself was when I played Diablo.
Then, the name I chose was Pelleon, which was a misspelling of Pellaeon, from Timonthy Zahn's Star Wars Trilogy.
Pelleon was my Paladin. Which was apt, as Pelleon from the book series is a loyal, honourable man. Funny how, the names we use creates for itself its own back-story.
Then I played MageWars, and used Pelleon as my nick also. But in the process, I created a new nick, a new character. JaeRoler.
This gaming nick stuck with me as it was the first name that I created out of thin air.
JaeRoler is a mage. Someone steeped in the arcane arts. I used him elsewhere also, but to me, JaeRoler has always been one that steps around with a field of arcane power.
JaeRoler came with a backstory too. He is a powerful master of the necromantic arts, who was once a general. He was a general in the service of a young queen whose small kingdom faced much threats, from within and without. As events unfold, the queen drew men of calibre to her side and help her defend and expand her rule. These are the 48 of which JaeRoler was one. But dark clouds swirl as the queen became more and more embittered by the continous carnage, until one black day, she delved deep into the forbidden lore and begged for the powers of darkness to aid her.
It would seem that at this point, the 48 would turn against her new demonic form. But 12 of them remained loyal to her. And JaeRoler is one of the 12. As a result, he turned to the dark arts too for their powers and became a necromancer. Although the queen and her 12 loyal generals were finally defeated, JaeRoler's body was never recovered from the carnage and remains to this day, missing.
Another character that I liked to use is Luc'viel, a character I created for my Warhammer games. Luc'viel is a Dark Elf of noble blood, and used as my general commanding my dark elf armies. He is the 3rd son of a baron, and is impetous, desiring to win battles and bring glory to himself, so that he can be made a noble in his own right.
Luc'viel fits in the way I play warhammer. Fast, mobile, hits strong and direct. It was something drilled into me when I played against Daniel's dwarfs. And it stuck.
I also used Luc'viel for my assassin in Ragnarok Online, and in doing so, created the other 2 brothers for him. Luc'varl and Luc'vane.
When I played KoL, i used the name Eman Retcarahc and Ravolyn.
I used Eman nowadays to register for websites bah?
Then I watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and got immersed with the generals under Reinhardt.
Of these characters, Mecklinger, Bittenfeld and Steinmetz stood out to me, and to a part Eisenarch. So I used their names when playing WoW.
But all in all, JaeRoler remains the me that I want to be.
When I started out gaming, the first time I have to choose a nick for myself was when I played Diablo.
Then, the name I chose was Pelleon, which was a misspelling of Pellaeon, from Timonthy Zahn's Star Wars Trilogy.
Pelleon was my Paladin. Which was apt, as Pelleon from the book series is a loyal, honourable man. Funny how, the names we use creates for itself its own back-story.
Then I played MageWars, and used Pelleon as my nick also. But in the process, I created a new nick, a new character. JaeRoler.
This gaming nick stuck with me as it was the first name that I created out of thin air.
JaeRoler is a mage. Someone steeped in the arcane arts. I used him elsewhere also, but to me, JaeRoler has always been one that steps around with a field of arcane power.
JaeRoler came with a backstory too. He is a powerful master of the necromantic arts, who was once a general. He was a general in the service of a young queen whose small kingdom faced much threats, from within and without. As events unfold, the queen drew men of calibre to her side and help her defend and expand her rule. These are the 48 of which JaeRoler was one. But dark clouds swirl as the queen became more and more embittered by the continous carnage, until one black day, she delved deep into the forbidden lore and begged for the powers of darkness to aid her.
It would seem that at this point, the 48 would turn against her new demonic form. But 12 of them remained loyal to her. And JaeRoler is one of the 12. As a result, he turned to the dark arts too for their powers and became a necromancer. Although the queen and her 12 loyal generals were finally defeated, JaeRoler's body was never recovered from the carnage and remains to this day, missing.
Another character that I liked to use is Luc'viel, a character I created for my Warhammer games. Luc'viel is a Dark Elf of noble blood, and used as my general commanding my dark elf armies. He is the 3rd son of a baron, and is impetous, desiring to win battles and bring glory to himself, so that he can be made a noble in his own right.
Luc'viel fits in the way I play warhammer. Fast, mobile, hits strong and direct. It was something drilled into me when I played against Daniel's dwarfs. And it stuck.
I also used Luc'viel for my assassin in Ragnarok Online, and in doing so, created the other 2 brothers for him. Luc'varl and Luc'vane.
When I played KoL, i used the name Eman Retcarahc and Ravolyn.
I used Eman nowadays to register for websites bah?
Then I watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and got immersed with the generals under Reinhardt.
Of these characters, Mecklinger, Bittenfeld and Steinmetz stood out to me, and to a part Eisenarch. So I used their names when playing WoW.
But all in all, JaeRoler remains the me that I want to be.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What a month....
The month of October is so frigging a mess.
So many things happened in the space of 4 weeks that some things are a bit hard to digest.
I'm looking forward to the end of October. Hopefully November clears some things up.
Life is a freaking roller-coaster ride. There were so many ups and downs, twists and turns.
Sometimes I am left questioning the meaning of life. Sometimes i am left questioning what's the whole bloody point.
Yet no one is to blame for how the things collide. No one can be blamed for how things turned out. Yet people felt hurt. People felt sadness. People cried.
I felt happiness. I felt sadness. I cried. I felt despondent. I felt uneasy. I felt flabbergasted.
I felt speechless. I felt disappointment. I felt despair. I felt hurt. I felt that there's really no point.
I felt that there's really no hope. I felt happy. I felt sad. I felt 'good riddance!'. I felt lost.
I felt worry. I felt at ease. I felt troubled. I felt shock.
In the very end, perhaps the answer was still...
So many things happened in the space of 4 weeks that some things are a bit hard to digest.
I'm looking forward to the end of October. Hopefully November clears some things up.
Life is a freaking roller-coaster ride. There were so many ups and downs, twists and turns.
Sometimes I am left questioning the meaning of life. Sometimes i am left questioning what's the whole bloody point.
Yet no one is to blame for how the things collide. No one can be blamed for how things turned out. Yet people felt hurt. People felt sadness. People cried.
I felt happiness. I felt sadness. I cried. I felt despondent. I felt uneasy. I felt flabbergasted.
I felt speechless. I felt disappointment. I felt despair. I felt hurt. I felt that there's really no point.
I felt that there's really no hope. I felt happy. I felt sad. I felt 'good riddance!'. I felt lost.
I felt worry. I felt at ease. I felt troubled. I felt shock.
In the very end, perhaps the answer was still...
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